• فبراير 13, 2025
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Generating Vanity Keypairs on Solana with TypeScript

As a developer working with Solana, you’re likely familiar with the Keypair class provided by the Solana SDK. One of the most common use cases for keypairs is generating vanity keys, also known as “public keys.” In this article, we’ll explore how to generate vanity keypairs using TypeScript apart from the default methods offered by the Keypair class.

Why Vanity Keypairs?

Vanity keypairs are useful when you need a short, unique public key for testing or demo purposes. They’re also required for certain Solana features, such as staking and delegating accounts.

Generating Vanilla Keypairs with TypeScript

You can use the Keypair.generate() method to create vanilla keypairs. However, this method doesn’t provide an easy way to generate keypairs without manually specifying the prefix or suffix.

One approach is to use a custom generator function that takes in a string argument and returns a new Keypair instance with the generated vanity keypair. Here’s an example implementation:

interface GenerateVanityKeypairOptions {

prefix?: string;

suffix?: string;


const generateVanityKeypair = (options: GenerateVanityKeypairOptions) => {

const [prefix, suffix] = options.prefix && options.suffix ? [options.prefix, options.suffix] : [''];

const keypair = Keypair.generate({ prefix, suffix });

return { keypair };


const generateVanityKeypair = (options: GenerateVanityKeypairOptions) => {

const keypair = generateVanityKeypair(options);

return keypair;


// Usage example:

const options: GenerateVanityKeypairOptions = {

prefix: 'solana-keypair-',

suffix: '.json',


const vanillaKeypair = generateVanityKeypair(options);

console.log(vanillaKeypair.keypair.toString('base64')); // Output: your_vanity_keypair_key

In this example, the generateVanityKeypair function takes in an options object with a prefix and/or suffix property. If provided, these values ​​are used to create a vanity keypair; otherwise, default prefixes/suffixes are used.

The generateVanityKeypair function calls generateVanityKeypair and returns the generated vanilla keypair.

Matching Prefix/Suffix

While this implementation provides a basic way to generate vanity keypairs using TypeScript, it may not be suitable for all use cases. If you need to match specific prefixes or suffixes, you can create a custom method that takes in an options object with a prefix and/or suffix property.

Here’s an updated example:

interface GenerateVanityKeypairOptions {

prefix?: string;

suffix?: string;


const generateVanityKeypair = (options: GenerateVanityKeypairOptions) => {

if (!('prefix' my options || 'suffix' my options)) {

throw new Error('Missing required option');


const [prefix, suffix] = options.prefix && options.suffix ? [options.prefix, options.suffix] : [''];

const keypair = Keypair.generate({ prefix, suffix });

return keypair;


const generateVanityKeypair = (options: GenerateVanityKeypairOptions) => {

if (!('prefix' my options || 'suffix' my options)) {

throw new Error('Missing required option');


const keypair = generateVanityKeypair(options);

return keypair;


In this updated example, the generateVanityKeypair function checks for both prefix and suffix properties. If either is missing, an error is thrown.


Solana: How to generate vanity keypairs in typescript

Generating vanity keypairs using TypeScript apart from the default methods offered by the Keypair class can be achieved through a custom generator function that takes in a string argument. This implementation provides a basic way to generate vanilla keypairs with prefixes and suffixes, but you may need to create additional logic for matching specific keys.


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